- [S26] "Moritz Baer Family Tree," Leo Baeck Institute; 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York (http://www.archive.org/stream/lbi_brc_mf484_reel10#page/n156/mode/1up), Berthold Rosenthal Collection, Reel 11: Box 4, Folder 47.
- [S110] Unknown author, Obergrombach Cemetery.
- [S119] Letter from Paul J. Basinger (4646 Davis Street, Skokie, Illinois 60076) to Alex Calzareth, August 25, 1999; Alex Calzareth (3444 Stratford Road, Wantagh, New York).
- [S143] Unknown author, Tairnbach jewish records at Haupstattsarchiv Stuttgart.
- [S286] Albert Köbele, Ortssippenbuch Rust: Geschichte des Dorfes und seiner Familien (Grafenhausen: 1969). Hereinafter cited as OSB Rust.
- [S346] Bühl, Baden, Germany, Death Records from Bühl Jewish Community 1811 - 1870, Microfilm 1057187, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hereinafter cited as Bühl Jewish Community Deaths 1811 -1870.
- [S361] , Bauerbach Surname Adoption List, 1809,BRC, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
- [S394] Unknown cd1, in Vital Records from Zaberfeld Jewish Community 1808 - 1875, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Zaberfeld Jewish Records. Microfilm no. 1195662 Item 14, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S439] Berthold Rosenthal Collection, Zur Ahnentafel des Herrn Alfred Hockenheimer in Mannheim; Roll 10, Frames 0846 - 0863 - Hockenheimer, Alfred, Leo Baeck Institute, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York. Hereinafter cited as Hockenheimer Family Tree.
- [S451] Unknown cd1, in Jüdische Gemeinde Ittlingen- Matrikel, 1814-1869, Schloß Rathsfeld, Thüringen : Reichssippenamt, 1944?, Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Ittlingen Jewish Records. Microfilm no. 1192032 Item 3, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.
- [S518] Buttenhausen, Familienbuch Buttenhausen;Reichssippenamt (RSA), Bestand J386 Film HF???, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany . Hereinafter cited as Buttenhausen Family Book.
- [S529] Unknown cd1, , Judenfriedhof Mingolsheim, Mingolsheim, Baden, Germany; photographed by Alex Calzareth, 2004.
- [S576] Unknown cd1 household, 1900 U.S. Census, Fulton County, Georgia, population schedule, Enumeration District (ED) unknown cd3, sheet unknown cd4, National Archives micropublication Series T623, viewed on HeritageQuestOnline.com.
- [S577] Unknown cd1 household, 1880 U.S. Census, Fulton, Georgia, population schedule, Enumeration District (ED) unknown cd3, sheet unknown cd4, National Archives micropublication T9-R148, viewed on HeritageQuestOnline.com.
- [S585] Unknown cd1 household, 1910 U.S. Census, Hamilton County, Ohio, population schedule, Enumeration District (ED) unknown cd3, sheet unknown cd4, National Archives micropublication Series T624, Roll 1189, viewed on HeritageQuestOnline.com.
- [S588] Unknown cd1 household, 1900 U.S. Census, Sumter County, South Carolina, population schedule, Enumeration District (ED) unknown cd3, sheet unknown cd4, National Archives micropublication Series T623, viewed on HeritageQuestOnline.com.
- [S606] GLA 390/6065, Jüdische Gemeinde Tairnbach - Matrikel, (1810-1823), Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Tairnbach Jewish Records.
- [S609] GLA 390/6068, Jüdische Gemeinde Tairnbach - Matrikel, (1851-1860), Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Tairnbach Jewish Records.
- [S642] AS 572, Jüdische Gemeinde Jöhlingen, Deutsche Zentralstelle für Genealogie, Deutsche Zentralstelle für Genealogie, Schongauer Straße 1, Leipzig, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Jöhlingen Jewish Records.
- [S760] Index of Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007, online http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=5763. Hereinafter cited as OH Death Index.
- [S815] Passport Applications, 1795 - 1905, unknown cd1, Passport No. Unknown cd2; Series M1372; U.S. Department of State, Record Group 59; (Washington, D.C: National Archives). Record viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S827] Deaths, 1815 - 1869, Todtenbuch der Israeliten in Untergrombach, Catholic Parish Office, Untergrombach, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Untergrombach Jewish Death Records, 1815 - 1869.
- [S833] Rootsweb Message Boards, online http://boards.rootsweb.com/. Hereinafter cited as Rootsweb Message Boards.
- [S880] Illinois Marriages, 1851-1900, online http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=7857. Hereinafter cited as Illinois Marriage, 1851 - 1900.
- [S902] South Carolina Death Records, 1821-1955, online http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=8741
- [S903] Sumter Jewish Cemetery, online http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~scsumter/cemeteries/jewish.html
- [S945] Rebeka Reis née Reichert, Transfer of Assets File, Notariat Eppingen, GLA 263 Zug. 1961-12/Berwangen IV/Nr. 411 (1844); Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Rebeka Reis née Reichert Transfer of Assets.
- [S990] , Neidenstein Surname Adoption List, 1809, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
- [S1007] Tairnbach, Mühlhausen, Baden, Tairnbach Jewish Community Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1811-1869;Reichssippenamt (RSA) 3031, Bestand J 386, Bü. 564, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany, viewed online at https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/bild_zoom/thumbnails.php?bestand=5632&id=1172250 . Hereinafter cited as Tairnbach Records.
- [S1011] Cook County, Illinois Birth Certificates, 1878 - 1922, Cook County Courthouse, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, as viewed on http://www.FamilySearch.com. Hereinafter cited as Cook Co., Illinois Birth Certificate.
- [S1012] Cook County, Illinois Marriage Certificates, 1871 - 1920, Cook County Courthouse, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, as viewed on http://www.FamilySearch.com. Hereinafter cited as Cook Co., Illinois Marriage Certificate.
- [S1059] Tina Machauer, "Geburtsurkunde [Birth Certificate]," e-mail message from e-mail address (Graben-Neudorf, Germany) to Alexander Cody Calzareth, 15 May 2009. Hereinafter cited as "Geburtsurkunde."
- [S1069] Albert Hagenauer, Wiedergutmachungsakte,GLA 480/EK 21631; Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany.
- [S1152] Letter from Allan Hirsh (Baltimore, Maryland) to Alexander Cody Calzareth, 14 August 2009; Alex Calzareth (3444 Stratford Road, Wantagh, New York).
- [S1163] Berthold Baer, Death Certificate 3829 (25 January 1922), Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate for Berthold Baer.
- [S1164] Unknown cd1 household, 1900 U.S. Census, Jefferson Co., Missouri, population schedule, National Archives micropublication T623, Roll 867, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1180] "Berthold Rosenthal Collection [microform]; Reel 10," Leo Baeck Institute; 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York (http://www.archive.org/details/lbi_brc_mf484_reel10), digital images. Hereinafter cited as "Berthold Rosenthal Collection, Reel 10."
- [S1197] Texas Death Certificate, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Texas Department of Health, Austin, Texas, as viewed on http://www.FamilySearch.com. Hereinafter cited as Texas Death Certificate.
- [S1239] Cook County, Illinois Marriages, 1871 - 1920, Cook County Courthouse, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, as viewed on http://www.FamilySearch.com
- [S1250] Gerald Stern, "Family Tree," e-mail message from e-mail address (Newcastle upon Tyne, England) to Alexander Cody Calzareth.
- [S1470] Bas-Rhin, France, Bas-Rhin Civil Records (Actes d'état civil); Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin, 5, rue Fischart, Strasbourg, viewed online at http://etat-civil.bas-rhin.fr/adeloch/index.php.
- [S1517] Neidenstein, Neidenstein Jewish Community Vital Records Register, 1811 - 1842;Reichssippenamt (RSA) 2190, Bestand J 386 Bü. 421, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany, viewed online at http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=1-446029-6 . Hereinafter cited as Neidenstein Jewish Community Vital Records Register, 1811 - 1842.
- [S1519] Gochsheim, Baden, Second Copy of the Gochsheim Jewish Community Marriage Register, 1806 - 1869; Bestand GLA 390 Nr. 568, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, viewed online at http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=4-1118175 . Hereinafter cited as Gochsheim Jewish Community Marriage Records, 1806 - 1869.
- [S1520] Bauerbach, Baden, Second Copy of the Bauerbach Jewish Community Marriage Register, 1810 - 1869; Bestand GLA 390 Nr. 535, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, viewed online at http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=4-1117775 . Hereinafter cited as Bauerbach Jewish Community Marriage Records, 1810 - 1869.
- [S1521] Bauerbach, Baden, Second Copy of the Bauerbach Jewish Community Death Register, 1810 - 1869; Bestand GLA 390 Nr. 536, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, viewed online at http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=4-1117776 . Hereinafter cited as Bauerbach Jewish Community Death Records, 1810 - 1869.
- [S1634] Unknown cd1 household, 1870 U.S. Census, New York Co., New York, population schedule, page unknown cd4, National Archives micropublication M-593, Roll 1026, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1680] Berwangen, Baden, Berwangen Protestant and Jewish Community Vital Records, 1808 - 1829; Bestand GLA 390 Nr. 1300, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, viewed online at http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=4-1128514 . Hereinafter cited as Berwangen Jewish Community Vital Records, 1808 - 1829.
- [S1735] Lisa Mein, "Fehl Family," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (New Zealand) to Alex Calzareth, 28 November 2006.
- [S1897] Zaberfeld, Familienbuch Zaberfeld, 1808 - 1845 and Jewish Community Vital Records, 1808 - 1875;Reichssippenamt (RSA) 3362, Bestand J 386 Bü. 627, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany, viewed online at http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=1-446852 . Hereinafter cited as Zaberfeld Jewish Records.
- [S2074] Gondelsheim, Baden, Second Copy of the Gondelsheim Jewish Community Birth Register, 1840 - 1869; Bestand GLA 390 Nr. 574, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, viewed online at http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=4-1118247 . Hereinafter cited as Gondelsheim Jewish Community Birth Records, 1840 - 1869.