- [S761] Unknown cd1 household, 1930 U.S. Census, Stark Co., Ohio, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T626, Roll 1870, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S762] Passenger Manifest of the SS Paris, Passenger Manifest, Florence Strauss, 1 Bowling Green, New York, New York; National Archives for the Northeast District, T715-6214. Hereinafter cited as SS Paris, 10 Sep 1938.
- [S763] Passenger Manifest of the SS Paris, Passenger Manifest, Strauss Family, 1 Bowling Green, New York, New York; National Archives for the Northeast District, T715-4714. Hereinafter cited as SS Statendam, 19 April 1930.
- [S782] Marriage License of Manuel Steinhardt and Susan Heidenheimer, Department of Public Health State Office of Vital Records, 410 Capitol Ave., Hartford, Connecticut. Hereinafter cited as Steinhardt Marriage License.
- [S788] Passenger Manifest of the SS Brazil, Passenger Manifest, Heumann Family, 1 Bowling Green, New York, New York; National Archives for the Northeast District, T715-6553. Hereinafter cited as SS Brazil, 16 June 1941.
- [S793] Passenger Manifest of the SS Empress of France, Passenger Manifest, Leo and Lillian Alexander, 1 Bowling Green, New York, New York; National Archives for the Northeast District, M1464, Roll 543. Hereinafter cited as SS Empress of France, 3 August 1928.
- [S794] Unknown cd1 household, 1930 U.S. Census, Wayne Co., Michigan, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T626, Roll 1046, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S800] California Divorce Index, 1966 - 1984, online http://content.library.com/iexec/?dbid=1141. Hereinafter cited as CA Divorce Index.
- [S812] Passenger Manifest of the SS Veendam, Passenger Manifest, Hilde and Oskar Fuchs Family, 1 Bowling Green, New York, New York; National Archives for the Northeast District, T715-6307. Hereinafter cited as SS Veendam, 05 April 1939.
- [S821] Passenger Manifest of the SS Normandie, Passenger Manifest, Franz Baer Family, 1 Bowling Green, New York, New York; National Archives for the Northeast District, T715-6180. Hereinafter cited as SS Normandie, 11 July 1938.
- [S834] Unknown cd1 household, 1910 U.S. Census, Strafford Co., New Hampshire, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T624, Roll 866, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S868] Unknown cd1 household, 1920 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T625, Roll 946, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S869] Unknown cd1 household, 1930 U.S. Census, St. Louis Co., Missouri, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T626, Roll 1244, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S878] Illinois Ancestors, online http://www.illinoisancestors.org/rockisland/ricountynewsbriefssix.htm. Hereinafter cited as Illinois Ancestors.
- [S891] Grabstellensuche und Grabnutzungsrecht (Wien), online https://www.wien.gv.at/grabauskunft/internet/Suche.aspx. Hereinafter cited as Vienna Grave Search.
- [S896] Unknown cd1 household, 1900 U.S. Census, Hamilton Co., Ohio, population schedule, National Archives micropublication T623, Roll 1274, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S905] Rootsweb's WorldConnect Project, online http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/. Hereinafter cited as WorldConnect.
- [S1025] Unknown cd1 household, 1900 U.S. Census, Mitchell County, Kansas, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T623, Roll 491, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1034] "Österreichische Opfer des Holocaust [Austiran Victims of the Holocaust] Database," Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (Altes Rathaus, Wipplingerstr. 6-8, Vienna, Austria), online at http://www.doew.at/ausstellung/shoahopferdb.html
- [S1044] Barbara Klaus, "Family History Website (p244.htm) correction," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Alex Calzareth, 12 January 2009. Hereinafter cited as "Barbara Klaus E-mail."
- [S1045] Passenger Manifest of the Scanmail, 09 January 1935, Passenger Manifest, Hyman Paul and Frieda M.Rome, 1 Bowling Green, New York, New York; National Archives for the Northeast District, T715, Roll 5595. Hereinafter cited as Scanmail Passenger Manifest, 09 January 1935.
- [S1046] Robert Joseph Hallock Genealogy Home Page, online http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/h/a/l/Robert-J-Hallock/. Hereinafter cited as Robert J. Hallock Genealogy.
- [S1048] Nordstetten, Familienbuch Nordstetten 1766-1875;Reichssippenamt (RSA) 2329, Bestand J 386 Bü. 438, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany, viewed online at http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=1-445312-1 . Hereinafter cited as Nordstetten Family Book, 1812 - 1938.
- [S1134] Therese Kurmann, Probate Case File, Bezirksgericht Margarethan, AII 105/24 (03 March 1924); Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv, Gasometer D, Guglgasse 14, Wien 11, Austria. Hereinafter cited as Therese Kurmann Todfallsaufnahme.
- [S1137] Franzi Gross, A-7503276; U.S. Citzenship and Immigration Service, National Records Center, P.O. Box 648010, Lee's Summit, MO.
- [S1226] Barbara Simms Vanbiber, "Meyer and Krieger Family History," Facebook message to Alexander Cody Calzareth, 24 December 2009.
- [S1241] David Caine, Caine Family Tree, supplied March 2010 by David Caine, Ohio; http://trees.ancestry.com/
- [S1300] Dr. Anna L. Staudacher, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), "Resignations of the Jewish Community of Vienna between 1868 and 1914," Ing. Felix Gundacker, GenTeam ); Citing ADLER Zeitschrift für Genealogie und Heraldik.
- [S1305] Kramerius, online http://kramerius.nkp.cz/
- [S1329] Donald M., III Wallach, "The Family History of the Calzaretta, Krieger, Michaels and Rafael Families - Gravestone for Mattie Wallach, Beth El Cemetery, Ridgewood, NY," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (Idaho) to Alexander Cody Calzareth, 27 March 2011. Hereinafter cited as "Wallach Family."
- [S1443] Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz), Jihomoravský kraj, Moravia, Slavkov u Brna Jewish Community Register of Marriages, 1801 - 1848; HBMa 1869, National Archives, Archivní 4/2257, Praha 4, Czech Republic, viewed online at http://badatelna.cz/fond/1073/ . Hereinafter cited as Slavkov u Brna Marriage Records, 1801 - 1848.
- [S1447] Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz), Jihomoravský kraj, Moravia, Slavkov u Brna Jewish Community Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1874 - 1888 and 1927 - 1945; HBMa 1873, National Archives, Archivní 4/2257, Praha 4, Czech Republic, viewed online at http://www.badatelna.eu/reprodukce/?fondId=1073&zaznamId=1108570 . Hereinafter cited as Slavkov u Brna Vital Records, 1874 - 1888 and 1927 - 1945.
- [S1686] "Edward Sowa 1930 - 2013," Leesbury Today, 11 November 2013; digital image, : accessed 23 February 2014), http://www.leesburgtoday.com
- [S1724] Unknown cd1 household, 1940 U.S. Census, Queens County, New York, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T627, Roll 2586, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1734] Unknown cd1 household, 1930 U.S. Census, Kings, New York, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T626, Roll 1519, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1738] "Name Index of Jews Whose German Nationality Was Annulled by the Nazi Regime (Berlin Document Center)," digital images, National Archives (Washington, DC : accessed unknown cd3), viewed at http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=2027; citing National Archives microfilm publication T355.
- [S1741] New Zealand, Naturalisations, 1843-1981, online http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=1844
- [S1742] Our Family Genealogy Pages, online http://www.ajlassociates.biz/index.php
- [S1743] Barbara Fehl Grainger, "Baer Family History," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (New Zealand) to Alex Calzareth, 06 December 2006.
- [S1757] Unknown cd, The Cranford, NJ Citizen and Chronicle, Cranford, New Jersey.
- [S1857] Jüdischer Friedhof Ohlsdorf [Jewish Cemetery Ohlsdorf] List of Burials, Compiled List; Hamburger Gesellschaft für Jüdische Genealogie e.V., Grindelhof 30, Hamburg, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Ohlsdorf (Hamburg) Jewish Cemetery List.
- [S1860] Unknown cd1 household, 1940 U.S. Census, St. Louis County, Missouri, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T627, Roll 2150, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S1864] Unknown cd1 household, 1940 U.S. Census, St. Louis County, Missouri, population schedule, National Archives micropublication Series T627, Roll 2206, viewed on Ancestry.com.
- [S2042] Cook County, Illinois Birth Certificates, 1916 - 1935, online http://www.cookcountygenealogy.com/
- [S2046] David C Gross Funeral Home, online http://www.davidcgross.com
- [S2052] Fresh Pond Crematory and Columbarium Internment Index, online http://www.italiangen.org/records-search/crematory.php. Hereinafter cited as Fresh Pond Index.
- [S2138] Prague Police Headquarters Records, National Archives, Archivní 4/2257, Praha 4, Czech Republic, viewed at www.holocaust.cz. Hereinafter cited as Prague Police Headquarters Records.
- [S2149] Unknown cd, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, viewed on newspapers.com.
- [S2151] Libra Memoria, online https://www.libramemoria.com/
- [S2158] New Hampshire Marriage Certificates, 1948 - 1959, New Hamsphire Vital Records Office, Concord, New Hampshire, USA, as viewed on http://www.FamilySearch.com. Hereinafter cited as New Hampshire Marriage Certificates.