Alexander Rafael1,2,3
#1507, b. 12 August 1921, d. 19 May 1976
Last Edited=25 Nov 2018
- Relationship
- Grandfather of Alexander Cody Calzareth
- Charts
- Descendant Chart for the Fürth Family of Amschelberg
Descendant Chart for the Fried Family of Smilkau (Smilkov)
Descendant Chart for the Hahn Family of Schlüsselberg and later Budweis
Descendant Chart for the Gratum Family of Praskolesy and Wossow
Descendant Chart for the Kollman Family of Kardasch Reschitz (Kardasova Recice)
Descendant Chart for the Pick Family of Patzau (Pacov)
Descendant Chart for the Rafael Family of Austerlitz (Slavkov) and later Vienna
Descendant Chart for the Stern Family of Myslkovice (Miskowitz)
Descendant Chart for the Stern Family of Wittingau (Trebon)
Descendant Chart for the Weiner Family of Austerlitz (Slavkov) and Vradist, Slovakia
Descendant Chart for the Mansbach Family of Maden and Hamburg
Descendant Chart for the Alexander Family of Hamburg
Descendant Chart for the Gottschalk Family of Groß-Glogau and later Berlin
Ancestors of Alex Rafael
Alexander Rafael was born on 12 August 1921 at Gablonz an der Neisse (Jablonec nad Nisou), Böhmen, Czechoslovakia.4 Alexander Rafael was also known as Alex Rafael. He was the son of Felix Rafael and Grete Fried. Alexander's hebrew name was äãåäé ÷çöé 'ø ïá íäøáà äùî (Moishe Avraham ben Yitzchak Yehuda). He was able to speak Czech, English, German and some Spanish. He was described as being 5' 9" and weighing at age 23 155 lbs. He had brown hair and gray eyes. He and Lore H. Krieger were engaged in November 1949. Alexander Rafael married Lore H. Krieger, daughter of Siegfried Krieger and Meta Bär, on 28 May 1950 at Temple Ramth Orah at 110th Street, New York, New York, New York, Married at Temple Ramath Orah on 110th St by Rabbis Dr. Robert Serebrenik (Rabbi from Temple), Dr. Max Koppel (Lore Krieger's cousin Lore Baer 's husband Leo's brother), and Dr. George Vida (the Rabbi that Bar mitzvahed Alex in Gablonz). As of between 1960 and 1976, Alexander Rafael lived at 763 Henery St., Uniondale, New York. He was a Manufacturer of Plastics. He died on 19 May 1976 at Uniondale, New York, at age 54 of a heart attack.5 The yahrzeit date of Alexander Rafael was 19 Iyyar 5736. He was buried on 21 May 1976 at Cedar Park Cemetery, Paramus, New Jersey.5
If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.
- [S22] Alex Calzareth, baer(Calzareth) FTW File [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], Date of Import: 18 Jan 1999.
- [S157] Werner Frank, Frank4.FTW [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], received on about 2000, Date of Import: Feb 16, 1999.
- [S156] Werner Frank, Werner Frank Gedcom File [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], received on circa 2000, Date of Import: 16 Feb 1999.
- [S77] Unknown compiler address, Jablonec n/N Birth Certificate, Archives Départementales du Haut-Rhin, 3, rue Fleischhauer, Colmar, Lit. B,Fol.34, Birth Certificate for Alexander Rafael, 12 August 1921, Certificate # 11,Signed by ?, 26 May 1931 . Photocopy in possession of writer.
- [S1733] New York Village of Hempstead Town Clerk, Certificate of Death 212 (20 May 1976), Alex Rafael.
Rosalie Bär1
#1513, b. 14 June 1861, d. 22 December 1940
Last Edited=19 Aug 2018
- Relationship
- 3rd cousin 5 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Rosalie Bär was born on 14 June 1861 at Bruchsal, Baden, Germany.2,3,4 She was the daughter of Moritz Bär and Cäcilie Friedberg. Rosalie Bär married Jakob Mayer, son of Abraham Maier and Hannchen Bär.3 Her married name was Mayer. Rosalie Bär was listed in the household of Wilhelm Moch at Sofienstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, in the 1939 German Minority Census; 29.11.91 at Nonnenweier.5 Her date and place of birth were given as 14.6.61 at Bruchsal. All of her grandparents were Jewish..5 Rosalie Bär died on 22 December 1940 at Concentration Camp, Gurs, France, at age 79.6
Child of Rosalie Bär and Jakob Mayer
- Helene Mayer+3 b. 21 Apr 1890, d. 28 Mar 1958
If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.
- [S23] "Baer-Oppenheimer Collection," Leo Baeck Institute; 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York (, AR 7044, Baer Family Tree.
- [S1689] Bruchsal, Baden, Second Copy of the Bruchsal Jewish Community Vital Registers, 1810 - 1869: image 178, 1861 Births, no. 5, birth record for Rosalie Ber; Bestand GLA 390 Nr. 632, Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, viewed online at . Hereinafter cited as Burchsal Jewish Community Vital Records, 1810 - 1869.
- [S605] Rosalie Maier Collection, AR 786, Leo Baeck Institute, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York, Anhang zur Ahnentafel von Josua Moses Falkenau Rabbiner in Fürth.
- [S2085] Maria M. Schlitz, Ortsfamilienbuch Bruchsal (Plaidt, Germany: Cardamina Verlag, 2015), Entry 00935, Moritz Bär and Caecilie Friedberg. Hereinafter cited as OFB Bruchsal.
- [S330] 1939 Minority Census, Karlsruhe, Germany, LDS Microfilm Nr. 1742403, Family History Library Salt Lake City, Utah, Wilhelm Moch (b:29.11.91) household.
- [S335] Koblenz Bundesarchiv, Gedenkbuch: Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialisitschen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland (Frankfurt/Main: Johannes Weisbecker, 1986), as extracted into the Yad Vashem Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names. Hereinafter cited as Gedenkbuch.
Mathilde Sinauer1
Last Edited=2 Dec 2007
Mathilde Sinauer and Carl Haberer lived at Offenburg, Baden, Germany.1 Mathilde Sinauer married Carl Haberer.1 Her married name was Haberer.
Child of Mathilde Sinauer and Carl Haberer
- Alfred Haberer1 b. 19 Nov 1869
If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.
- [S829] Wilhelm Bauer, compiler, Standesbuch: Der ehemaligen jüdischen Gemeinde von Sinsheim, Geburts-, Heirats-, und Sterberegister von 1810 - 1938 (Sinsheim, Germany:, March 2006), Alfred Haberer and Sophie Louise Blum marriage entry, 10 September 1900, p. 83. Hereinafter cited as Sinsheim Birth, Marriage and Death Records Book, 1810 - 1938.
John Henry Schultz1,2,3
#1516, b. 30 August 1920, d. 2 February 2001
Last Edited=13 Jul 2014
John Henry Schultz was born on 30 August 1920 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.1,2,3 He was the son of John Schultz and Anna Rhaby. However, according to his baptismal certificate he was born on 03 August 1920. John Henry Schultz and Anna Rhaby appeared on the census of 1 April 1930 at 1713 North 25th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.4 John Henry Schultz married Frances G. King on 12 August 1940. John Henry Schultz and Frances G. King were divorced on 21 December 1982. John Henry Schultz married Lore H. Krieger, daughter of Siegfried Krieger and Meta Bär, on 1 January 1983 at Uniondale, New York. John Henry Schultz died on 2 February 2001 at Southwest Regional Hospital, Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, at age 80. He was buried on 6 February 2001 at Lawnview Cemetery, Rockledge, Pennsylvania.
If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.
- [S22] Alex Calzareth, baer(Calzareth) FTW File [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], Date of Import: 18 Jan 1999.
- [S157] Werner Frank, Frank4.FTW [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], received on about 2000, Date of Import: Feb 16, 1999.
- [S156] Werner Frank, Werner Frank Gedcom File [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], received on circa 2000, Date of Import: 16 Feb 1999.
- [S1219] John Schultz household, 1930 U.S. Census, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, 04 April 1930, Enumeration District (ED) 702, sheet 6A, National Archives micropublication Series T626, Roll 2113, viewed on
Frieda Mina Lepp1,2
#1517, b. 18 April 1910, d. 3 June 2001
Last Edited=23 Dec 2018
Her married name was Appel. Frieda Mina Lepp was born on 18 April 1910 at Weingarten, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany.3,4 She was the daughter of Wilhelm Lepp and Wilhelmina Haut. Frieda Mina Lepp lived between 8 November 1926 and 1 December 1926 at Bauschlott, Baden, Germany.4 She lived between 29 August 1929 and 1 August 1930 at Netherlands.4 She married Ludwig Baer, son of Adolf Bär and Jette Ida Löwenstein, on 24 March 1936 at Bronx, New York.5 As of 24 March 1936,her married name was Baer. Frieda Mina Lepp married Bernard J. Appel on 14 June 1969.6 Frieda Mina Lepp died on 3 June 2001 at age 91.7
If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.
- [S157] Werner Frank, Frank4.FTW [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], received on about 2000, Date of Import: Feb 16, 1999.
- [S156] Werner Frank, Werner Frank Gedcom File [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], received on circa 2000, Date of Import: 16 Feb 1999.
- [S154] Karl Diefenbacher, compiler, Ortssippenbuch Weingarten Landkreis Karlsruhe in Baden (Grafenhausen bei Lahr: Karl Diefenbacher, 1980), entry 6280, Wilhem Lepp and Wilhemina Haut. Hereinafter cited as Ortssippenbuch Weingarten.
- [S1075] Frieda-Mina Baer geb. Lepp, Wiedergutmachungsakte,GLA 480/EK 35828, Aufenthaltsbescheingung [Certificate of Residency], issues 19 January 1967 in Weingarten (Baden); Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany.
- [S537] Ludwig Baer, C-6280669, A-1900104, Petition for Naturalization of Ludwig Baer, No. 2204; U.S. Citzenship and Immigration Service, National Records Center, P.O. Box 648010, Lee's Summit, MO.
- [S799] California Marriage Index, 1960 - 1985, online, Bernard J. Appel and Frieda M. Lepp, 14 June 1969, Cert. No. 58252. Hereinafter cited as CA Marriage Index.
- [S312] Interview with Margaret Baer Murphy (Orinda, California), by Alex Calzareth, 24.3.2002. Unknown repository (unknown repository address).
Hilde Maier1,2
#1518, b. 14 March 1909, d. 30 September 1997
Last Edited=3 Mar 2006
- Relationship
- 1st cousin 3 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
- Charts
- Descendant Chart for the Löwenstein and Stengel Families of Weingarten
Descendant Chart for the Stein and Baum Families of Mingolsheim
Descendant Chart for Hayum Abraham of Grötzingen
Descendant Chart for the Wolf Family of Rohrbach near Heidelberg
Descendant Chart for the Rothschild Family of Mühringen
Descendant Chart for the Wertheimer Family of Bauerbach
Descendant Chart for the Lichtenberger Family of Bauerbach
Descendant Chart for the Grabenheimer Family of Diedelsheim and Hochberg
As of 14 March 1909, Hilde Maier was also known as Hilda Maier. She was born on 14 March 1909 at Hauptstraße, Gernsbach, Rastatt, Baden, Germany.3 She lived from 14 March 1909 to 14 August 1932 at Gernsbach, Rastatt, Baden, Germany.4 She was the daughter of Adolf Maier and Sophia Löwenstein. Hilde Maier married Ludwig Baer, son of Adolf Bär and Jette Ida Löwenstein, on 14 August 1932 at Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany.5 As of 14 August 1932,her married name was Baer. Hilde Maier lived from 15 August 1932 to 27 May 1935 at Weingarten, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany.6 She lived from 27 September 1935 to November 1938 at Gernsbach, Rastatt, Baden, Germany. She applied for an Immigration Visa as a quota immigrant on 16 September 1938 at U.S. Consulate, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany. She was described as 5' 7 1/2" tall, fair complexion, black hair, brown eyes, and a scar on the right cheek. Hilde Maier was traveling to her relative, Herbert Guggenheimer, who resided at 45 Granger Place, Buffalo, NY.7 She immigrated on 5 December 1938 to New York, New York, from Rotterdam, Holland aboard the SS Noordam. She received her first citizenship papers on 21 June 1939 at United States District Court, Brooklyn, Kings, New York.8 She lived on 21 June 1939 at 1059 Union St., Brooklyn, Kings, New York. She was a domestic worker on 16 November 1940 at Mrs. John Bergman, 1235 Park Ave, New York, New York. She lived on 16 November 1940 at 1235 Park Ave, New York, New York.9 She married Henry Charles on 22 May 1943 at New York, New York.10
Hilde Maier filed a Petition for Naturalization on 20 January 1944 at United States District Court, Brooklyn, Kings, New York. She was naturalized on 17 August 1944 at United States District Court, Brooklyn, Kings, New York. The personal description of holder as of date of naturalization was: Age: 35 years, color: white, complexion: fair, color of eyes: brown, color of hair: black, height: 5'7" tall| 150 lbs., (an unknown value.)11 She lived on 17 August 1944 at 921 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn, Kings, New York. She married Philip Charles after 1945. As of after 1945,her married name was Charles. Hilde Maier witnessed the Petition of Naturalization of Sophia Löwenstein on 2 May 1945 at District Court of the Untied States, New York, New York.12 Hilde Maier witnessed the Petition of Naturalization of Adolf Maier on 2 May 1945 at District Court of the Untied States, New York, New York.13 Hilde Maier lived on 2 May 1945 at 1627 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, Kings, New York.12 She died on 30 September 1997 at Florida at age 88 Affects of Stroke in abt.1995.1,2 She was buried on 5 October 1997 at Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Flushing, Queens, New York, Block 24, Section J-9-3-9.14
Hilde Maier filed a Petition for Naturalization on 20 January 1944 at United States District Court, Brooklyn, Kings, New York. She was naturalized on 17 August 1944 at United States District Court, Brooklyn, Kings, New York. The personal description of holder as of date of naturalization was: Age: 35 years, color: white, complexion: fair, color of eyes: brown, color of hair: black, height: 5'7" tall| 150 lbs., (an unknown value.)11 She lived on 17 August 1944 at 921 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn, Kings, New York. She married Philip Charles after 1945. As of after 1945,her married name was Charles. Hilde Maier witnessed the Petition of Naturalization of Sophia Löwenstein on 2 May 1945 at District Court of the Untied States, New York, New York.12 Hilde Maier witnessed the Petition of Naturalization of Adolf Maier on 2 May 1945 at District Court of the Untied States, New York, New York.13 Hilde Maier lived on 2 May 1945 at 1627 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, Kings, New York.12 She died on 30 September 1997 at Florida at age 88 Affects of Stroke in abt.1995.1,2 She was buried on 5 October 1997 at Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Flushing, Queens, New York, Block 24, Section J-9-3-9.14
If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.
- [S157] Werner Frank, Frank4.FTW [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], received on about 2000, Date of Import: Feb 16, 1999.
- [S156] Werner Frank, Werner Frank Gedcom File [Please contact to verify that this is the original source for the data you are interested in], received on circa 2000, Date of Import: 16 Feb 1999.
- [S541] Hilde Charles, C-5971118, Birth Certificate of Hilda Maier, Nr. 14/1909, issued in Gernsbach on 16 August 1938; unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S541] Unknown repository , C-5971118, Polizeilisches-Führunszeugnis von Hilda Maier, issued at Gernsbach, 16 August 1938, unknown repository address.
- [S54] Gretel (Maier) Berney gave the date of their wedding as August 14, 1931. The certificates of conduct in Hilda (Maier) Charles' visa application indicate that she lived in Gernsbach up until August 14, 1932 and starting the next day lived in Weingarten. It is therefore most likely that the marriage took place in 1932.
- [S541] Unknown repository , C-5971118, Leumundszeugnis von Hilde Bär geborene Maier (geschieden), issued at Weingarten (Baden) on 2 May 1936, unknown repository address.
- [S541] Unknown repository , C-5971118, Application for Immigration Visa (Quota) by Hilda Maier, No. 2315988, unknown repository address.
- [S541] Unknown repository , C-5971118, Declaration of Intention of Hilde Charles, No.281725, unknown repository address.
- [S541] Unknown repository , C-5971118, Alien Registration Form for Hilda Maier, A-3777042, unknown repository address.
- [S541] Unknown repository , C-5971118, Petition for Naturalization of Hilde Charles, No. 402253, unknown repository address.
- [S541] Unknown repository , C-5971118, Certificate of Naturalization of Hilde Charles, No. 5971118, unknown repository address.
- [S563] Sofie Maier, C-6580855, Petition for Naturalization, Nr. 516199; U.S. Citzenship and Immigration Service, National Records Center, P.O. Box 648010, Lee's Summit, MO.
- [S564] Adolf Maier, C-6580854, Certificate of Naturalization, Nr. 6580854; U.S. Citzenship and Immigration Service, National Records Center, P.O. Box 648010, Lee's Summit, MO.
- [S627] Mount Hebron Cemetery Internment Search, online, Hilde Charles. Hereinafter cited as Mount Hebron Cemetery.
Ruth Caroline Schott1
#1526, b. 1 May 1927, d. 31 July 2008
Last Edited=17 Jul 2014
Ruth Caroline Schott lived at 3725 Blackstone Ave., Bronx, New York. She was born on 1 May 1927 at Groß-Gerau, Germany.2 She was the daughter of Moritz Schott and Betty Fuld.1 Ruth Caroline Schott immigrated on 11 May 1940 to New York, New York.2 She was naturalized on 5 April 1948 at New York, New York.2 She married Hans Leopold Löwenstein, son of Jakob Löwenstein and Helena Bär, on 2 December 1950 at New York, New York.2 As of 2 December 1950,her married name was Löwenstein. As of 2 December 1950,her married name was Lowenstein. Ruth Caroline Schott died on 31 July 2008 at New York at age 81.3 She was buried on 3 August 2008 at Beth El Cemetery, Paramus, New Jersey.
If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.
- [S1761] Hans-Georg Vorndran, "Ehemalige jüdische Wohn- und Geschäftshäuser [Former Jewish Homes and Businesses and Their Residents]," Juden in Gross-Gerau: Eine interaktive Spurensuche [Jews in Gross-Gerau: an Intensive Search for Clues] (, Helwigstraße 10, Schott Family.
- [S559] Hans (Juan) Löwenstein, A6 792 384, Petition for Naturalization, No. 606870; U.S. Citzenship and Immigration Service, National Records Center, P.O. Box 648010, Lee's Summit, MO.
- [S222] Social Security Death Index, ( Rootsweb), Ruth Lowenstein, SSN: 131-20-9153. Hereinafter cited as SSDI.