Angela Rosa Troia

#8524, b. 2 October 1885, d. 13 April 1886
Last Edited=3 Jun 2010
     Angela Rosa Troia was born on 2 October 1885 at Via Umberto 42, Pietrapertosa, Potenza, Basilicata, Italia.1 She was the daughter of Domenico Troia and Rocca Maria Taddeo. Angela Rosa Troia died on 13 April 1886 at Via Umberto 42, Pietrapertosa, Potenza, Basilicata, Italia.2

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S1255] Pietrapertosa, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, Civil Registration Records, 1866-1938: birth record for Angela Rosa Troia, recorded 04 October 1885, No. 98/1885, Tribunale di Potenza, Via Sauro Nazario, 1, Potenza, Italy, as viewed on Hereinafter cited as Pietrapertosa Civil Registration Records.
  2. [S307] Pietrapertosa, Potenza, Basilicata, Italia, Death Records from 1866 to 1910, Microfilm 1965187, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, death record for Angela Rosa Troia, recorded 14 April 1886, No. 23/1886. Hereinafter cited as Pietrapertosa Deaths 1866-1910.

Schönle Aron

Last Edited=26 Jun 2002
7th great-grandmother of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
Ancestors of Lore Krieger
     Schönle Aron was the daughter of Aron Jizchok (Isaac). Schönle Aron married Kusiel Elkann. Her married name was Elkann.

Children of Schönle Aron and Kusiel Elkann

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S408] Ludwig Bez, Der jüdische Friedhof in Freudental (Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1996), Riele (Rachel) Levi, Grab 68. Hereinafter cited as The Jewish Cemetery in Freudental.

Isaak Kusiel

#8526, b. 1753, d. 7 March 1837
Last Edited=22 Mar 2003
6th great-granduncle of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Isaak Kusiel was born in 1753 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1 He was the son of Kusiel Elkann and Schönle Aron. Isaak Kusiel married Sarale (Sarah) Salomon in 1779 at Hochberg, Württemberg, Germany.1 Isaak Kusiel died on 7 March 1837 at Hochberg, Württemberg, Germany.2

Children of Isaak Kusiel and Sarale (Sarah) Salomon

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S72] Isaac Kusiel family, page 7, in Hochberg Jüdische Familienbuch, Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Hochberg Familienbuch. Microfilm no. 1056857, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.
  2. [S72] Hochberg Familienbuch: entry for Isaac Kusiel family, page 17 Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, FHL microfilm 1056857.
  3. [S356] Joachim Hahn, Jüdisches Leben in Ludwigsburg Stadtarchiv von der Stadt Ludwigsburg and vom Historischen Verein für Stadt und Kreis Ludwigsburg e.V., 1998), pages 420 - 421. Hereinafter cited as Jewish Life in Ludwigsburg.

Aron Jizchok (Isaac)

#8527, b. circa 1695, d. 6 November 1777
Last Edited=24 Jul 2009
8th great-grandfather of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
Ancestors of Lore Krieger
     Aron Jizchok (Isaac) was born circa 1695 at Weiler, Germany. He was the son of Jizchok (Isaac) (?) Aron Jizchok (Isaac) married Sorle (?)1 Aron Jizchok (Isaac) died on 6 November 1777 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.2

Children of Aron Jizchok (Isaac)

Child of Aron Jizchok (Isaac) and Sorle (?)

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S644] Monika Preuß, Verstorbenenregister des jüdischen Friedhofes in Waibstadt (Berliner Straße 12, 73728 Esslingen a.N.: Landesdenkmalamat Baden-Württemberg, 2004), Sorle, Gattin des Aron, ZA-Nr 1871. Hereinafter cited as Waibstadt Jewish Cemetery List.
  2. [S644] Monika Preuß, Waibstadt Jewish Cemetery List, Aron Sohn des Isaak, ZA-Nr 2547.
  3. [S1139] Hockenheim, Talheim Jewish Community Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1772 - 1876: Gabriel Löser family, p. 1;Reichssippenamt (RSA) 3009, Bestand J 386 Bü. 568, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, Stuttgart, Württemberg, Germany, viewed online at . Hereinafter cited as Talheim Jewish Records, 1772 - 1876.

Jizchok (Isaac) (?)

Last Edited=25 Jun 2002
9th great-grandfather of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Ancestors of Lore Krieger

Child of Jizchok (Isaac) (?)

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.

Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron

#8529, d. 1801
Last Edited=23 Apr 2015
7th great-granduncle of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron was the son of Aron Jizchok (Isaac). Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron married Hanne (?) Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron died in 1801 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.

Children of Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron and Hanne (?)

Children of Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Löw Feis = Löb Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S728] Jeanette R Rosenberg & Mark P Nicholls Homepage, online, Descendants of Moses Massenbach. Hereinafter cited as Rosenberg FTM Page.
  3. [S433] Entry 25, Lazarus Wolf = W. Traub, in Vital Records from Michelfeld Jewish Community 1811 - 1870, Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Michelfeld Jewish Records. Microfilm no. 1192032 Items 1 -2, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.

Löw (Leib) Weil1

#8530, b. 11 June 1751, d. 18 September 1826
Last Edited=13 Jul 2003
1st cousin 8 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Another source suggests that Löw (Leib) Weil was born in February 1751.2 He was born on 11 June 1751 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1 He was the son of Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron and Hanne (?)1 Löw (Leib) Weil married Adelheid Hirsch.3 Löw (Leib) Weil married Bela Joseph? Löw (Leib) Weil was Pferdhandel in 1809.3 He witnessed the marriage of an unknown person on 23 April 1816 at Tairnbach, Baden, Germany.4 He died on 18 September 1826 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany, at age 75.2 He was buried on 20 September 1826.2

Child of Löw (Leib) Weil and Adelheid Hirsch

Children of Löw (Leib) Weil and Bela Joseph?

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Löw Feis = Löb Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Death Record of Löw Veis Weil, 18 September 1826, page 49. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.
  3. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Löw Feis = Löb Weil entry.
  4. [S606] GLA 390/6065, Jüdische Gemeinde Tairnbach - Matrikel: Marriage record of Löb Springer and Golla Weil, 23 April 1816, (1810-1823), Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, Nördliche Hildapromenade 2, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Tairnbach Jewish Records.
  5. [S72] Jung Isaac Kusiel family, page 20, in Hochberg Jüdische Familienbuch, Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Hochberg Familienbuch. Microfilm no. 1056857, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.
  6. [S316] Moises Löw = M. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809 Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection.
  7. [S316] Nathan Loew = N. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809 Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection.
  8. [S316] Isaak Low = J. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809 Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection.

Bela Joseph?

#8531, d. 8 January 1796
Last Edited=11 Mar 2006
     Her married name was Weil. Bela Joseph? died on 8 January 1796 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1 She married Löw (Leib) Weil, son of Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron and Hanne (?).

Children of Bela Joseph? and Löw (Leib) Weil

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S644] Monika Preuß, Verstorbenenregister des jüdischen Friedhofes in Waibstadt (Berliner Straße 12, 73728 Esslingen a.N.: Landesdenkmalamat Baden-Württemberg, 2004), Bejle, Gattin des Löb, ZA-Nr 2464. Hereinafter cited as Waibstadt Jewish Cemetery List.
  2. [S54] This relationship is established based on that both Frommet's younger brothers and older brothers were the sons of Bela Joseph. The Hochberg Family Book gives her mother as "Hanna geb. Isaac". I suspect that as Frommet's father's (Löw Feis') mother was named Hanna that Frommet's grandmother may incorrectly be listed as her mother on the Hochberg record.
  3. [S316] Moises Löw = M. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  4. [S316] Nathan Loew = N. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809 Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection.
  5. [S316] Isaak Low = J. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809 Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection.
  6. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Death Record of Samuel Weil, 24 March 1865, page 66, Babette geb. Jetel (?) shown as the mother. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.
  7. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Löw Feis = Löb Weil entry.

Moises Löw Weil1

#8532, b. 3 July 1774, d. 12 September 1843
Last Edited=29 Jun 2003
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Moises Löw Weil was born on 3 July 1774 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1 He was the son of Löw (Leib) Weil and Bela Joseph?1 Moises Löw Weil married Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß, daughter of Samuel Strauß.1 Moises Löw Weil died on 12 September 1843 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany, at age 69.1,2

Children of Moises Löw Weil and Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Moises Löw = M. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Death Record of Moses Weil, 12 September 1843, page 53. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.
  3. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of (illegible) Weil, 7 June 1814.
  4. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Johanna Weil, 1 October 1815, page 3.
  5. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Kauß(?) Weil, 19 December 1816 , page 3.
  6. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of todtgeb. Weil, 12 February 1820.
  7. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Veis Moses Weil, 1 January 1821, page 5.
  8. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of todtgeb. Weil, 8 January 1823, page 5.
  9. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Samuel Weil, 6 April 1824.
  10. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Samuel Weil, 4 July 1826.

Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß1,2

#8533, b. 7 October 1784, d. 11 September 1860
Last Edited=30 Jun 2003
     Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß was born on 7 October 1784 at Grombach, Germany.1,3 She was the daughter of Samuel Strauß.4 Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß married Moises Löw Weil, son of Löw (Leib) Weil and Bela Joseph?.1 Her married name was Weil. As of 7 June 1814, Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß was also known as Güthel Samuel.4 She died on 11 September 1860 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany, at age 75.3

Children of Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß and Moises Löw Weil

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Moises Löw = M. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Birth Record of todtgeb. Weil, 12 February 1820. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.
  3. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Death Record of G---? Weil, 11 September 1860, page 62.
  4. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of (illegible) Weil, 7 June 1814.
  5. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Johanna Weil, 1 October 1815, page 3.
  6. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Kauß(?) Weil, 19 December 1816 , page 3.
  7. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Veis Moses Weil, 1 January 1821, page 5.
  8. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of todtgeb. Weil, 8 January 1823, page 5.
  9. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Samuel Weil, 6 April 1824.
  10. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of Samuel Weil, 4 July 1826.

Bele Weil1

#8534, b. 23 March 1813
Last Edited=6 Jun 2003
3rd cousin 6 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Bele Weil was born on 23 March 1813 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.2 She was the daughter of Moises Löw Weil and Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß.1 Bele Weil was born on 3 May 1813 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Moises Löw = M. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Birth Record of Bela Weil, 23 March 1813 , page 1. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.

Bula Weil1

#8535, b. 7 June 1814
Last Edited=6 Jun 2003
3rd cousin 6 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Bula Weil was born on 5 March 1814 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1 She was born on 7 June 1814 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.2 She was the daughter of Moises Löw Weil and Gütgen (Güthel) Strauß.1,2

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Moises Löw = M. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Birth Record of (illegible) Weil, 7 June 1814. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.

Jonas Kusiel Steinfurter

#8536, b. 1 April 1756, d. 12 December 1809
Last Edited=31 Dec 2002
6th great-granduncle of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Jonas Kusiel Steinfurter was born on 1 April 1756 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1 He was the son of Kusiel Elkann and Schönle Aron. Jonas Kusiel Steinfurter married Hina Einstein. Jonas Kusiel Steinfurter died on 12 December 1809 at Jebenhausen, Württemberg, Germany, at age 53.1

Child of Jonas Kusiel Steinfurter and Hina Einstein

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S340] Unknown author, Tanzer Jebenhausen Book , cemetery listing, grave number 91.
  2. [S340] Unknown author, Tanzer Jebenhausen Book, cemetery listing, grave number 100.

Hanne (?)

Last Edited=29 May 2004
     Her married name was Aron. Hanne (?) married Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron, son of Aron Jizchok (Isaac).

Children of Hanne (?) and Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.

Moises Feis Weil

#8538, b. 19 October 1755, d. 10 April 1831
Last Edited=30 Jun 2003
1st cousin 8 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Moises Feis Weil was born on 19 October 1755 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1 He was the son of Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron and Hanne (?) Moises Feis Weil married Fradel Josua.1 Moises Feis Weil died on 10 April 1831 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany, at age 75.2

Children of Moises Feis Weil and Fradel Josua

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Moises Feis = M. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Death Record of Moses Feis Weil,10 April 1831, page 50. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.

Fradel Josua1

#8539, b. 11 July 1769, d. 23 February 1838
Last Edited=30 Jun 2003
     Fradel Josua was born on 11 July 1769.2 Fradel Josua was also known as Fratel. She married Moises Feis Weil, son of Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron and Hanne (?).2 Her married name was Weil. Fradel Josua died on 23 February 1838 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany, at age 68.3

Children of Fradel Josua and Moises Feis Weil

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Marriage of Josua Weil and Maria (?) Weil, 12 November 1834. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.
  2. [S316] Moises Feis = M. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  3. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Death Record of Fanette(?) Weil, 23 February 1838 page 52.

Isak Feis Weil

#8540, b. 7 November 1757, d. 18 1824
Last Edited=30 Jun 2003
1st cousin 8 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Wimpfheimer Family of Ittlingen
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Isak Feis Weil was born on 7 November 1757 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.1 He was the son of Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron and Hanne (?) Isak Feis Weil married Händel (Helena) Wimpfheimer, daughter of Josef (ben Moses) Wimpfheimer. Isak Feis Weil died on 18 1824 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany.2

Children of Isak Feis Weil and Händel (Helena) Wimpfheimer

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Isak Feis = I. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Death Record of Isaac Feis Weil, 18 [month of death was illegible] 1824, page 48. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.
  3. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of todtgeboren Weil, 8 July 1818.

Händel (Helena) Wimpfheimer

#8541, b. 5 July 1780, d. 16 May 1842
Last Edited=22 Dec 2004
1st cousin 7 times removed of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Descendant Chart for the Wimpfheimer Family of Ittlingen
Descendant Chart for the Weil Family of Steinsfurt
     Händel (Helena) Wimpfheimer married Isak Feis Weil, son of Feis (Feisel, Feist) Aron and Hanne (?). Her married name was Weil. Händel (Helena) Wimpfheimer was born on 5 July 1780 at Ittlingen, Lkr. Heilbronn, Baden, Germany.1,2 She was the daughter of Josef (ben Moses) Wimpfheimer. As of 10 November 1833, Händel (Helena) Wimpfheimer was also known as Hendel Josef.3 She died on 16 May 1842 at Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden, Germany, at age 61.2 As of 16 May 1842, Händel (Helena) Wimpfheimer was also known as Helena Wimpfheimer.2 She was buried on 17 May 1842.2

Children of Händel (Helena) Wimpfheimer and Isak Feis Weil

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S316] Isak Feis = I. Weil entry, Untergrombach Surname Adoption List, 1809,B. Rosenthal Collection, Leo Baeck Institute, Berthold Rosenthal Collection, 15 West 16th Street, New York, New York.
  2. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records, 1813 - 1869, Microfilm 1192043 Item 1 (FHL), Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Death Record of Helena Weil, 16 May 1842, page 53. Hereinafter cited as Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records.
  3. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Marriage of Isaac Weil and Johanna Weil, 10 November 1833.
  4. [S317] Steinsfurt, Baden, Germany, Steinsfurt Jewish Community Vital Records: Birth Record of todtgeboren Weil, 8 July 1818.

Sarale (Sarah) Salomon

#8542, d. 20 April 1839
Last Edited=28 Jun 2002
     Sarale (Sarah) Salomon married Isaak Kusiel, son of Kusiel Elkann and Schönle Aron, in 1779 at Hochberg, Württemberg, Germany.1 As of 1779,her married name was Kusiel. Sarale (Sarah) Salomon died on 20 April 1839 at Hochberg, Württemberg, Germany.

Children of Sarale (Sarah) Salomon and Isaak Kusiel

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S72] Isaac Kusiel family, page 7, in Hochberg Jüdische Familienbuch, Evangelische Landeskirchenamt Karlsruhe, Blumenstr. 1,, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hereinafter cited as Hochberg Familienbuch. Microfilm no. 1056857, Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah.
  2. [S356] Joachim Hahn, Jüdisches Leben in Ludwigsburg Stadtarchiv von der Stadt Ludwigsburg and vom Historischen Verein für Stadt und Kreis Ludwigsburg e.V., 1998), pages 420 - 421. Hereinafter cited as Jewish Life in Ludwigsburg.

Hina Einstein

#8543, b. 13 May 1758, d. 8 July 1837
Last Edited=21 Aug 2008
     Her married name was Steinfurter. Hina Einstein was born on 13 May 1758 at Buchau, Württemberg, Germany.1 She married Jonas Kusiel Steinfurter, son of Kusiel Elkann and Schönle Aron. Hina Einstein died on 8 July 1837 at age 79.1

Child of Hina Einstein and Jonas Kusiel Steinfurter

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.


  1. [S340] Unknown author, Tanzer Jebenhausen Book , cemetery listing, grave number 98.
  2. [S340] Unknown author, Tanzer Jebenhausen Book, cemetery listing, grave number 100.

Elieser Liebmann

Last Edited=28 Jun 2002
9th great-grandfather of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Ancestors of Lore Krieger
     Elieser Liebmann married Fradel Oppenheimer, daughter of Maier Oppenheimer and Hannele (?).

Child of Elieser Liebmann and Fradel Oppenheimer

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.

Fradel Oppenheimer

#8545, d. 1 May 1718
Last Edited=28 Jun 2002
9th great-grandmother of Alexander Cody Calzareth
Ancestors of Lore Krieger
     Fradel Oppenheimer was the daughter of Maier Oppenheimer and Hannele (?) Fradel Oppenheimer married Elieser Liebmann. Her married name was Liebmann. Fradel Oppenheimer died on 1 May 1718.

Child of Fradel Oppenheimer and Elieser Liebmann

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.

Nathan Brueckner

#8546, b. 20 September 1847
Last Edited=28 Jun 2002
     Nathan Brueckner was born on 20 September 1847. He married Franziska Stamper, daughter of Samuel Stamper.

Children of Nathan Brueckner and Franziska Stamper

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.

Franziska Stamper

#8547, b. 30 November 1862, d. 19 January 1944
Last Edited=28 Jun 2002
     Her married name was Brueckner. Franziska Stamper was born on 30 November 1862 at Botuschani, Romania. She married Nathan Brueckner. Franziska Stamper was the daughter of Samuel Stamper. Franziska Stamper died on 19 January 1944 at Theresienstadt Concentration Camp, Terezín, Czechoslovakia, at age 81.

Children of Franziska Stamper and Nathan Brueckner

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.

Samuel Stamper

Last Edited=28 Jun 2002

Child of Samuel Stamper

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.

Regina Brueckner

#8549, b. 20 September 1881, d. 31 December 1944
Last Edited=20 Jun 2009
     Regina Brueckner was born on 20 September 1881 at Suczawa, Bukovina, Rumania. She was the daughter of Nathan Brueckner and Franziska Stamper. Regina Brueckner died on 31 December 1944 at Auschwitz, Poland, at age 63.

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.

Joseph Brueckner

#8550, b. 25 September 1882
Last Edited=28 Jun 2002
     Joseph Brueckner was born on 25 September 1882. He was the son of Nathan Brueckner and Franziska Stamper.

If you have any additions, corrections or would like to know if I might have more information on this person please send me an e-mail.